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Rescue Therapy for Bladder Cancer

Rescue Therapy for Bladder Cancer - Symptoms

Rescue Therapy for Bladder Cancer - How to prevent?

Rescue Therapy for Bladder Cancer - Causes and Risk Factors

Rescue Therapy for Bladder Cancer - Diagnosis

Rescue Therapy for Bladder Cancer - Treatments

Rescue Therapy for Bladder Cancer - Preparing for surgery

Rescue Therapy for Bladder Cancer - Post-surgery care

​Recovery after bladder cancer surgery is a crucial phase in your treatment journey. Most patients experience minimal side effects such as urinary frequency and urgency. You are encouraged to hydrate adequately after the instillation. If you experience fever or significantly lethargy, please seek advice from your urologist. Following the instillation, you will need regular cystoscopic evaluation to ensure that the cancer has not recurred. Your surgeon will provide further post-operative instructions and follow-up care as necessary.

The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth

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