The SNEC-SERI Clinical Academic Fellowship Programme is part of the Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Academic Clinical Program (EYE ACP)’s initiative in support of the Academic Medicine mandate. This programme provides both clinical and research immersion opportunities to support and groom future clinicians as well as to potentially identify budding clinician scientists.
The programme consists of both clinical and research training components at approximately 50% FTE each. Successful candidates will be placed under the direct supervision of both a Clinician Mentor in SNEC and Research Mentor at SERI. A proposed training programme will be jointly developed by the Medical Officer, Clinician and Research Mentor in a complementary manner, post the award being rendered. Successful candidate will also undergo performance review with the Mentors which include a 3-months’ probation period and a performance review at the 9th month.
Self-driven Medical Officers with a strong interest in Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Must have graduated from one of the three medical schools in Singapore or graduated from one of the universities/medical schools listed in the Schedule of the Singapore Medical Council (SMC)
Must have completed houseman training satisfactorily by the time of starting the position
Must be granted medical registration by the Singapore Medical Council (SMC), where applicable
Must be granted an Employment Pass to work in Singapore (applicable to non-Singaporean /non-Singapore PR)
Not holding any other concurrent research scholarship or position of similar nature in Singapore during the proposed period of attachment
Important Notes
Candidates who wish to be part of this Fellowship scheme do not need to take no-pay leave, and become ‘out-of-phase’ MO
Candidates on this Fellowship shall not be posted through the MOHH-MOPEX scheme
Time spent on this Fellowship scheme will contribute towards fulfilling the medical bond
Ideally, the candidate must be holding a full medical registration by the Singapore Medical Council (SMC)
The Fellowship will support one Medical Officer with 12 months of full-time commitment.
Financial supportFor each successful candidate, the following will be provided as part of the award:
Monthly salary comparable to Medical Officer salary
Medical and insurance benefits, employee benefits
Provision for courses/training fees
Click here to download the application form. For enquiries, please contact
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