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Bioengineering & Devices Research Group


Biomedical Engineering, often called Bioengineering, is a relatively modern field. It has made a considerable impact on global healthcare by producing translational advances from research. The fields of cardiovascular research and orthopedics represent excellent examples whereby biomedical engineering solutions are used routinely in clinical practice. Currently, there are several opportunities for biomedical engineers to make a similar impression in Ophthalmology as this arena is ripe for development.

The Biomedical Engineering and Devices Research Group was established as a new initiative at SERI in January 2014. It aims to foster knowledge exchange and collaboration between biomedical engineers from various biomedical engineering institutions in Singapore (e.g. NUS Biomedical Engineering, NTU Bioengineering, A*STAR, SUTD) and clinician scientists at SERI.

Our mission is to drive translational impact by:

  1. Identifying current and imminent clinical needs that require biomedical engineering solutions

  2. Attracting and inspiring early stage biomedical engineers to pursue careers in Ophthalmology

  3. Enhancing networking among clinicians, clinician-scientists, basic scientists, and biomedical engineers

  4. Actively leading and seeking large research grant funding

  5. Aiding patent filing and commercialisation of outputs born from new collaborations

  6. Reporting on current collaborations

Biomedical Engineering Areas of Interests

  • Development, verification, and validation of novel ophthalmic devices

  • Advanced ophthalmic imaging solutions

  • Biomechanics

  • Biomaterials

  • Cell and tissue engineering

  • Bioelectronics

  • Bioelectricity

  • Robotic microsurgery

Interests for Biomedical Engineers

Developed devices and techniques can be applied to wider domains. We are interested to hear about novel developments and can help you rapidly maximise your exposure through its application to Ophthalmology.

Interests for Clinicians

There are still several achievable unmet needs and opportunities within Ophthalmology requiring a BME solution. In fact, the 2015 Institute of Engineers Singapore’s Prestigious Engineer Award was won by a collaboration between A*STAR and a SERI/SNEC team involving Professor Aung Tin, Doctor Baskaran Mani and Associate Professor Shamira Perera.

Doctor Michael Girard has been teaching the Biodesign class at NUS for two years, where biomedical engineering students designed and developed working prototype medical devices within 12 weeks. Clinicians may be interested in proposing and co-supervising to help these projects reach their highest potential. However, the focus on commercialisation means that only the most promising projects are carried through.

Serving on SERI’s patent review committee, Adjunct Associate Professor Shamira Perera reviews several innovation grants and is a member of A*STAR’s Diagnostic Development hub. This has led to his deep commitment to advancing commercialisation in Singapore. His work with TouchSurgery in creating a successful Cataract Surgery training app has opened up important routes of collaboration in new pastures.

Together, both co-heads work to facilitate projects between clinicians and engineers via networking events and in conjunction with third party stakeholders for funding and mentorship.



Current Projects and Collaborations from the Bioengineering & Devices Initiative

1) Development of Novel Intraocular Lens Injectors

An early prototype for the LensGun – A tool to facilitate IOL insertion during cataract surgery

2) Development of Smart Pupil Expanders

Novel smart pupil expander

3) Improved Diagnosis of Age-related Macular Degeneration using Novel Protein Multiplexing Technology

Doctor Dieter Trau, co-founder of AYOXXA Biosystems Pte Ltd, and Doctor Marcus Ang are currently validating AYOXXA’s multiplexing technology to improve the diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration.

4) Development of Novel Engineering Tools to Characterize Ocular Biomechanics In Vivo

Assoc Prof Michael Girard is currently developing novel engineering tools that will allow clinicians to quantify scleral, retinal, choroidal, corneal, iris, and optic nerve head biomechanics in vivo. These tools help the diagnosis and treatment of multiple ophthalmic disorders including myopia, glaucoma, corneal disorders, and AMD.


    1. Mari JM, Park SC, Strouthids NG, Girard MJA. Enhancement of Lamina Cribrosa Visibility in Optical Coherence Tomography Images Using Adaptive Compensation. Invest Ophthal and Vis Sci. 2013; 54(3):2238-47.

    2. Girard MJA, Strouthidis NG, Desjardins A, Mari JM, Ethier CR. In Vivo Optic nerve Head Biomechanics: Performance Testing of a 3D tracking algorithm. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 2013; 10(87):20130459.

    3. Lamina cribrosa visibility using optical coherence tomography: comparison of devices and effects of image enhancement techniques. Girard MJ, Tun TA, Husain R, Acharyya S, Haaland BA, Wei X, Mari JM, Perera SA, Baskaran M, Aung T, Strouthidis NG. IOVS 15;56(2):865-74.


        TEC-12-22-Device for Single Handled Injection of an Intraocular Lens
        Co-patent for “Shape Memory Pupil Expanders “US Provisional No. 62/243,772 ILO Ref: 15066N-US/PRV. SHIP Ref: TEC-15-07


        Collaboration between SERI and AYOXXA. Validation of a Novel Micro-fluid Cytokine Analysis Platform for aqueous and vitreous humour in normal and eyes with Diabetic Retinopathy. Funded by MOH-IAF. S$541,901.37

        Major research grant: Industrial, mechanical design and prototyping for a lensgun. S$ 99,499.30 as part of the SNEC Health Research Endowment Fund (HREF) Device R&D funds for Later POC phase project. As PI.

        Minor research grant SNEC HREF: Episcleral venous system and optic nerve vasculature mapping in normal and glaucomatous subjects: an optical coherence tomography angiography study. Project Number: R1276/82/2015. As PI. $1,542.00

        Minor research grant SNEC HREF: A Rabbit Model Study to Determine The Efficacy Of A Prototype Corneal Endothelial Protector For Cataract Surgery. $19,865.09 Jul 2014-15 as PI.