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Issue 2/2022

Hello, and welcome to another edition of EyeSight. We are excited to highlight new initiatives in our clinical services, as well as having a closer look into certain ocular diseases. Alongside our written articles, we have included video snippets where you can watch and hear our colleagues will share their work.

In this issue, we will dig into the activities of our allied health colleagues. Senior optometrist Sim Kai Ting will introduce us to the work of the SNEC low vision service. Our senior optometrists Lisa Ong and Shirlyn Sam will give us an insider look on the preparation work done for the Singapore Allied Health Conference, which was just held in October this year.

In a clinical update, Dr Kelvin Teo, from our medical retina team, will talk about his PhD experience and share with us the real world evidence on the treatment of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). We will also learn about the initiative of the medical retina team and its Nurse Counsellors in using an interactive patient education platform to educate patients of the importance of Intravitreal injection therapy in AMD so as to improve patient compliance and treatment outcomes. Dr Tay Su Ann, from our paediatric and adult strabismus team, will explore the psychological effects of strabismus.

In research, our SERI researchers, Assoc Prof Michael Girard will talk about his work in optic nerve head strains in both normal and high tension glaucoma subjects and while Prof Cheng Ching Yu will discuss his work on deep learning applications for detecting visually significant cataract.

On the education front, our training and education (TnE) department will showcase SNEC’s collaborative efforts with the Vietnam National Eye Hospital, and highlight SNEC’s Global Ophthalmology (SNEC-GO) Programme, a webinar series where we join with the regional ophthalmology community to help drive ophthalmology education in our region.

We hope you will enjoy our latest edition.

Assoc Prof Audrey Chia (Editor-in-Chief)
Dr Loh Kai Lyn (Co-Editor-in-Chief)

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Copyright is held by Singapore National Eye Centre and SingHealth Duke-NUS Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences Academic Clinical Programme (EYE ACP). All rights reserved. Articles may be reproduced in whole or in part with written permission.

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Contributing Team:
  • ​Ms Chia Hui Yien, Assistant Director, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Academic Clinical Programme (EYE ACP), SNEC
  • Ms Foo Wen Dee, Assistant Manager, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Academic Clinical Programme (EYE ACP), SNEC
  • Ms Norfateha Abdul Latif, Senior Executive, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Academic Clinical Programme (EYE ACP), SNEC
  • Dr Iyer Laxmi Ravi, Senior Executive, Research & Academic Affairs, SERI
  • ​Dr Thiyagarajan Jayabaskar, Director, Training & Education (Fellowship), SNEC
  • Ms Rhonda Law Wai Foong, Assistant Manager, Medical Training & Education, SNEC
  • Ms Shirley Ngiam Sze Yee, Executive, Training & Education, SNEC
  • Mr Qwek Chin Ming, Senior Audio Visual Specialist, Training & Education, SNEC
  • Ms Melody Loh Sok Peng, Assistant Manager, Corporate Communications, SNEC